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129% after 1 day,45% daily for 3 days and many more
Min/Max Investment: 10 / 50,000
Bonus Referral: 4%
Withdrawal: Manual
Our Investment: $10.00
Last Payout: Nov 14th, 2014
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Lifetime: 3464 days
Added: Nov 2nd, 2014
3464days Monitored

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Rocozo Transportation LTD discription:
Welcome to investment service for trust management of futures contracts on Rocozo. Transporting is done in real time experienced transporters with experience of 7 years. To obtain a stable profits used reliable trading strategy, time-tested: Rocozo transport spreads. Due to the fact that at the same time involves several transporting tools creates the effect of hedging. Risk diversification helps to keep the dynamics of deposit growth with insignificant loss. Confident approach to business has opened the possibility of creating an investment fund Rocozo Transport Company, which will help take the company to the next level. Helping himself to make a profit on our project, you are helping us to gain traction. We are eternally grateful to you for your trust! Rocozo transport Company has been created on efficiency, dedication, responsiveness and perseverance towards the needs and requirements of all types of investors. Our company has formed a totally transparent process of making investments to make sure that our investors do not come across any problem. Our company works on a very sound structure of governance. At Rocozo Transport Company we believe our role is to secure your future. We believe that looking after our clients' financial needs is the most important goal we can attain. So you can choose the investment package which is tailored to your financial situation and goals.

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