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6% - 10% daily for 20 days ( 120% - 200% Total Return of Investment )
Min/Max Investment: 10 / 10,000
Bonus Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Instant
Our Investment: $15.00
Last Payout: Oct 15th, 2014
Our Rating:
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Lifetime: 3487 days
Added: Oct 9th, 2014
3487days Monitored

Allmonitors Status:
ISP - HYIP's Technical Analysis Подробный анализ и отзывы о HYIP проекте IHT Finance Advanced HYIP Statistics

PerfectMoney EgoPay PAYEER BitCoin
SSL DDOSProtected
IHT Finance discription:
Our clients are serious investors. They aren't interested in gambling with their money, and would rather deal with a reliable, safe, and profitable online investment management company instead of a bank with low interest. Our Forex trading system applies no leverage as well as unique time-proven risk-management techniques which allow our managed investment company to generate lucrative profits. Program participation is available to any individual, who is over 18 years of age and has a reliable Internet access. To start, one has to create the IHT Finance personal investment account. We assure you that you will get exceptional service and customer support.

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