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102.45% - 125% after 1 day, 108% - 190% after 3 days, 200% - 500% after 10 days, 322% - 1400% after 25 days, 1800% after 20 days, 2440% after 40 days
Min/Max Investment: 10 USD / 50000 USD
Bonus Referral: 6% from every deposit
Withdrawal: Manual
Our Investment: $170.00
Last Payout: Aug 7th, 2014
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Lifetime: 3555 days
Added: Aug 5th, 2014
3554days Monitored

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OIL PLANET INC. discription:
OIL PLANET INC. is an innovative investment company with a fresh new approach to both traditional and emerging markets. The company has created a highly diversified portfolio which presents the perfect balance between the current return on investment and future growth. OIL PLANET INC. focuses on the main investment area: Alternative Energy. We have created a diversified portfolio that combines income-generating and growth opportunities. By striking the right balance, we ensure short-term success and future development.

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