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130% after 1 day,500% after 7 days,1200% after 12 d
Min/Max Investment: 10 / 50000
Bonus Referral: 4%
Withdrawal: Manual
Our Investment: $100.00
Last Payout: Nov 8th, 2014
Our Rating:
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Lifetime: 3467 days
Added: Oct 22nd, 2014
3467days Monitored

Allmonitors Status:
ISP - HYIP's Technical Analysis Подробный анализ и отзывы о HYIP проекте Thrift-Box Advanced HYIP Statistics

PerfectMoney EgoPay SolidTrustPay PAYEER BitCoin
SSL DDOSProtected
Thrift-Box discription:
Welcome to the website of our investment fund - Thrift-Box We are a company founded on 10-nd September 2013. Our head office is in London. With a clear focus on emerging markets across select sectors that focus on developing and investing in Forex, Energy resources and Stock market sectors which are viewed as the sectors of growth over the coming eras as the global population continues to increase rapidly. We aim to create values and ensure strong financial returns by sourcing for the most attractive investments opportunities in emerging markets. Thrift-Box is guided by a distinguished Board of Directors and by an experienced Management Team with diverse business backgrounds and strong sense of commitment.We are committed to investment in the long term and generating value for our shareholder based on sustainability, best ethical practices and integrity. At Thrift-Box, we believe in the importance of values. Values that define who we are and shape the way we conduct business. Values that are derived from our commitment to our core principles of foresight, innovation, excellence, prudence and trust.

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