Highest RCB request Indian Gold Ltd.

130% After 1 day, 250% After 3 days,500% After 5 days,1200% After 10 days,100% Daily for 3 days
Min/Max Investment: 2 / 10,000
Bonus Referral: 12%
Withdrawal: Manual
Our Investment: $100.00
Last Payout: Nov 16th, 2014
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Lifetime: 3454 days
Added: Nov 10th, 2014
3454days Monitored

Allmonitors Status:
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PerfectMoney EgoPay PAYEER
Indian Gold Ltd. discription:
Gold has been synonymous with wealth, power and financial security for thousands of years. Over the last decade smart investors, small and large alike, have turned with renewed attention to physical gold as a safe haven in the midst of economic uncertainties. Gold provides long term protection against inflation and changes in Government attitudes. We offer you the most profitable investment solution. With our experienced experts, you are given the maximum and stable profit. By joining with Indian Gold Ltd. you will get a real profit every day. Your investments are safe and will be growing everyday. Indian Gold Ltd. involved in real gold business, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our company and increase its stabilityfor the long term. Being a member of Indian Gold Ltd. makes you our partner. As a partner, you deserve all of our respect and confidence. We ensure your reliability and stability of income, which is exactly what you receive when you invest funds with us.

RCB Rates

Deposit % 1st Deposit Re-Deposit
Min Max RCB Bonus RCB Bonus
$1 $1 0.20% 3000% $0.00 700% $0.00
$2 $5 0.20% 2100% $0.00 600% $0.00
$6 $10 0.20% 1200% $0.00 500% $0.00
$11 $25 0.20% 1000% $0.00 500% $0.00
$26 $50 0.20% 700% $0.00 500% $0.00
$51 $100 0.20% 650% $0.00 500% $0.00
$101 $300 0.20% 500% $2.00 500% $0.00
$301 $500 0.20% 500% $3.50 500% $0.00
$501 $750 0.20% 500% $5.00 500% $0.00
$751 $5000 0.20% 500% $8.00 500% $0.00

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